Uncut Mountain Press in collaboration with Orthodox Ethos presents these interviews from the UMP 2022 Conference at Antiochian Village in Ligonier, PA.
Lecture Series 3, covering Revelation
Chapters 8:1 - 13:18, under the close tutelage of the Holy Fathers and the great Elder and Teacher, Archimandrite Athanasius Mitilinaios.
This course will provide an introduction to the Dogma of the Church (Ecclesiology), through a survey of the historical and theological “landmarks” of Church history and Tradition which helped formulate the spiritual experience of the Mystery of the Body of Christ, including Holy Scripture, patristic treatises and conciliar declarations, and compare and contrast this vision with that presented in the contemporary heterodox ecumenical movement.
Mr. Zalalas is an international speaker and retreat master for all Orthodox jurisdictions in the United States and abroad. He holds Masters (with honors) in Dogmatic Theology from the University of Thessalonica and has published a number of pamphlets and books.
Presenting, examining and explaining the book:
Τὸ Μυστήριον τοῦ Χριστοῦ (The Mystery of Christ), written by the Cell of the Resurrection on Mount Athos, this lecture series aims to bring the Athonite catechism to English speakers for the first time.
Lecture Series 1 covering Revelation
Chapters 1 - 2:12, under the close tutelage of the Holy Fathers and the great Elder and Teacher, Archimandrite Athanasius Mitilinaios.
Lecture Series 4 - Under the close tutelage of the Holy Fathers and the great Elder and Teacher, Archimandrite Athanasius Mitilinaios.
Examining the book, 'The Truth of our Faith' by Elder Cleopa of Romania, this lecture series aims to provide an introduction to those points of the Orthodox Faith which are both foundational and challenged by heterodox critics. Covers: The presuppositions of personal salvation, the study of Holy Scripture, the veneration of icons, relics, the saints and angels, the Virgin-Mary, the offering of prayer for the dead, the Second Coming of Christ, speaking in tongues and more.
Join Fr. Peter Heers, Orthodox Christian priest, author, speaker, translator & publisher as he explores the distinguishing characteristic of being a Christian: The Orthodox Ethos.
Join Fr. Peter Heers, Orthodox Christian priest, author, speaker, translator & publisher as he explores the distinguishing characteristic of being a Christian: The Orthodox Ethos.
Lecture Series 2, covering Revelation
Chapters 2:12 - 7:17, under the close tutelage of the Holy Fathers and the great Elder and Teacher, Archimandrite Athanasius Mitilinaios.
This course will introduce and examine the witness and stance of the new martyrs under the atheist yoke, as well as the life, witness and stance of the Church in Russia during the first two decades of Bolshevik rule (1918-1938).

Lectures and Questions & Answers Sessions of the Inaugural Uncut Mountain Press Conference held at the Antiochian Village Conference Center in Ligonier, PA. from October 6-9, 2022.
A wide array of Q & A sessions addressing an extensive range of topics pertaining to the Orthodox Faith.
Q&A sessions from the lecture series, Russia's New Martyrs and the Catacomb Church.
This lecture series aims to guide participants through the lectures offered by Fr. Seraphim in his original Orthodox Survival Course. Covers: The Middle Ages, Enlightenment, French Revolution, Evolution and much more up until our own day with a look at the Antichrist.
Q & A sessions from the lecture series, The Mystery of Christ: An Athonite Catechism.
A six lecture course offered in August of 2020 in response to the challenges posed by the “covid narrative” and changes in parish and pastoral life.
This lecture series aims to guide participants through a spiritual and ecclesiological review of the Divine Liturgy. Covers: Perichoresis; the Ecclesial and Cosmic Liturgy, Preparation for the Liturgy, the Liturgy for Catechumens, Holy Communion, and much more.
Q&A sessions from the lecture series, Orthodox Ecclesiology: The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and the Pan-heresy of Ecumenism.