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Revelation Series 2

About the Lecture

Lecture Series 2, covering Revelation Chapters 2:12 - 7:17, as we - under the close tutelage of the Holy Fathers and the great Elder and Teacher, Archimandrite Athanasius Mitilinaios.

Lesson 1: Rev. 2: 12-13: Idolatry and Its Relationship to Satan

Rev. 2: 13-15: Balamatism — As an Ongoing Method of Corruption of the Church 

Lesson 2: Rev. 2: 16-20: Promises to the Victor — Epistle to Thyatira

Rev. 2: 21-24: Jezebel — The Self-Proclaimed Illumined and Their Delusion

Lesson 3: Rev. 2: 24: Freemasonry — The Depths of Satan

Rev. 2: 25: Salvation Belongs to the Remnant of the Faithful — What is Meant by Paradosis of the Church

Lesson 4: Rev. 2:26-29 & 3:1-2: The Fifth Epistle to the Bishop of Sardis — Superficial Piety & The Need for Vigilance / Rev. 3:2-6: The Meaning of Complete Works, The Power of Memory in Salvation

Lesson 5: Rev. 3:7-9: The Sixth Epistle to Philadelphia — On Mission

Rev. 3:9-13 The Reward of Missionary Work

Lesson 6: Rev. 3:14-4:4: The Seventh Epistle to Laodicea


Lesson 7: Rev. 4:1-4:  Heavenly Worship: The Throne in Heaven


Lesson 8: Rev. 4:4-11: Twenty-four Thrones and Elders — The Seven Spirits — The Four Living Creatures


Lesson 9: Rev. 5: 1-6: The Scroll Sealed with Seven Seals & The Lamb of God - Slain and Standing


Lesson 10: Rev. 5: 7-14 - The Prayers of the Saints, the One Church of Angels and Men


Lesson 11: Rev. 6:1-4: Presuppositions for Understanding; Overview of Chapter 6


Lesson 12: Rev. 6: 5 - 11: The Seals 3-5 Opened: Famine, Death and Martyrdom


Lesson 13: Rev. 6: 9 - 14:The Fifth Seal - The Souls of the Martyrs under the Altar; The Sixth Seal - The Great Day of Wrath


Lesson 14: Rev. 6:15 - 7:3 Escape and The Refuge of Saints - Four Angels


Lesson 15: Rev. 7: 2-8: The 144,000 Sealed and the Angels Ascending; The Number of the Sealed & Isreal and the Tribes


Lesson 16:  Rev. 7: 9-17: The White-robed Multitude from Every Nation

Lesson 1: (Series 2) The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle & Evangelist John the Theologian
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Lesson 1: (Series 2) The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle & Evangelist John the Theologian
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Lesson 1: (Series 2) The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle & Evangelist John the Theologian

Lesson 2: (Series 2) The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle & Evangelist John the Theologian
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Lesson 2: (Series 2) The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle & Evangelist John the Theologian

Lesson 3: (Series 2) The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle & Evangelist John the Theologian
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Lesson 3: (Series 2) The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle & Evangelist John the Theologian

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