Orthodoxy 101
Find our videos that will introduce you to the basics of the Orthodox Christian Faith.
Becoming One with Christ: The Spiritual Presuppositions of Participation in the Mysteries

Becoming One with Christ: The Spiritual Presuppositions of Participation in the Mysteries

On The Orthodox Church

(Pt. 1) How to Intro to Orthodoxy: Practical Guide for Inquirers
The Truth of our Faith
Examining the book, 'The Truth of our Faith' by Elder Cleopa of Romania, this lecture series aims to provide an introduction to those points of the Orthodox Faith which are both foundational and challenged by heterodox critics.
Lesson 1: Introduction, On the Church
Lesson 2: On Holy Scripture
Lesson 3: On Holy Tradition
Lesson 4: On the Veneration of the Theotokos, Saints and Angels
Lesson 5: On the Veneration of the Holy Relics and Holy Icons
Lesson 6: On the Veneration of the Precious Cross and the Sign of the Cross
Lesson 7: On Praying for the Reposed
Lesson 8: On Divine Services, Symbols and On Fasting
Lesson 9: On the Presuppositions of our Personal Salvation
Lesson 10: On the Second Coming of Christ and On Chiliasm
Lesson 11: On the Eternal Torments of Hell
Lesson 12: On "Speaking in Tongues" and On Magic
Description of the book:
In nearly one thousand references and explanations of Holy Scripture, Elder Cleopa answers the questions of inquirers on such subjects as: the presuppositions of personal salvation, the study of Holy Scripture, the veneration of icons, relics, the saints and angels, the Virgin-Mary, and the True Cross, the offering of prayer for the dead, the Second Coming of Christ, His thousand year reign, speaking in tongues, and the keeping of the Lord’s feast on Sunday instead of Saturday.
Find the book HERE.

Truth of our Faith - Lesson 1

Truth of our Faith - Lesson 2