Three Miraculous Events which Show that Holy Communion is Invulnerable not only to bacteria and viruses, but also to everything else!
From the Website:

1. Presbyter Fr. P.L., known to the editorial team of our blog, recounts: "My father-in-the-flesh, Presbyter E.L. had just Celebrated the Divine Liturgy in his parish in a village in Halkidiki (Northern Greece). As he finished the katalysis (consumption of the Holy Blood and Body that remained in the Holy Chalice), he wanted to add a little water, as is often the case, to consume the Gifts easier. After looking in the closet, inside the Holy Altar, where he kept the water, he found the bottle was empty and sent the church warden to fill it up. As soon as the latter returned with the water, my father added a fairly good amount of water to facilitate the katalysis… But the smell of this "water", which had now been added to the Holy Chalice, was intense and very strange. He called me to smell it too… There was no doubt… the warden had not added water but… bleach!!! It was too late to do anything else. The rest of Holy Communion had to be consumed at all costs. "I will consume and go to bed and let whatever He wants happen. But you do not call a doctor and in no case should you take me to the hospital. Tell your mother to prepare a bowl in case I vomit. Let God’s will be done”... He consumed with fear of God everything that was in the Holy Chalice and we went home. He made the sign of the Cross, we forgave each other and indeed he lay down and waited to see what would happen ... He had some stomach pain but nothing more. After about four hours, he sat up, Crossed himself and glorified God. He asked us to bring him some hot tea… More than 20 years have passed since then and he is still alive without any problems!" 2. Narrated again by Fr. G.L .: "In the village where I work, about 20 years ago, a family asked me to Celebrate the Divine Liturgy in a chapel that was rarely used, to offer Holy Communion to a relative of theirs who was suffering from AIDS. In fact, he was in the final stage with hemoptyses and everyone was waiting for his repose in the Lord. Of course, it did not even cross my mind to arrange for special conditions such as disposable teaspoons or that I could contract something from the patient… We performed the Divine Liturgy and his relatives, supporting him, brought him into the Chapel, his face severely distorted and unrelated to how I knew it. I communed him as I would any of the Faithful. I consumed the content of the Holy Chalice as usual and to this day I am absolutely healthy!” 3. Fr G.L. narrated to us the story of the blessed Elder Gregory of Docheiariou with whom they had a close spiritual relationship:

"My Elder, St. Amfilochios of Patmos often went and heard the confessions of the faithful, in various parts of Greece, whereever he was called. In an area of Northwestern Greece where he happened to be present, a priest came to confess to him. This priest said to him: "Geronda, I must stop serving… The reason is that I had a bad relationship with my fellow parish priest and I wanted to hurt him… One day after the Divine Liturgy, while he was handing out the antidoron, I discreetly approached the Holy Prothesis, I lifted up the Chalice Cloth and I threw in 2 scorpions! After the Antidoron was distributed, we said goodbye to each other and I pretended to leave but I secretly watched to see what he would do… After his initial surprise, he chopped the scorpions with the Holy Spear and Consumed them together with the Body and Blood of Christ! He is of course completely healthy, but I must stop approaching the Holy Altar after the shock I felt from the miracle I witnessed and the evil deed I committed!... ” — I convey these to you, said the Fr. G.L., because all the persons involved in the narration have now slept in the Lord and of course the names of the priests involved, the exact place and the Temple where they occurred are completely unknown to me.