To Whom it May Concern,
A vocal minority of (mostly uninformed) voices is being heard in some corners of the internet concerning my ecclesiastical status. It is of no surprise that these voices are uninformed, for they have not been given the full picture of events with regard to my service to the Church in recent years and the canonical basis for it.
Yesterday, I was grateful to God to see that, in an effort to bring clarity to the matter, a pious layman, Craig Truglia, did due diligence and visited His Grace Bishop LUKE of Syracuse. Having seen all of the relevant documentation, he then produced a timeline of events, which those interested can view HERE. Being privy to the documents myself that he examined, I can confirm the accuracy of his description of their contents.

In the midst of this, and in the interest of further clarity, and at the behest of His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, with whom I recently had a very congenial and encouraging conversation, I am posting the following official ecclesiastical documents.
We both hope that by posting the official release which he issued to Bishop John of the Patriarchate of Moscow in the Fall of 2018 greater clarity will be achieved.
In Christ, Archpriest Peter Heers, D.Th.
