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Writer's pictureThe Orthodox Ethos Team

Announcing the Relaunch of Uncut Mountain Press! A New Title: Let No One Fear Death

After a few years of near dormancy, the team at Orthodox Ethos and Uncut Mountain Press has been able to pull together and get Uncut Mountain Press running again and we are preparing to launch fully. This summer we will have a new website with old and new titles for sale, along with preorder options for new and old titles. E-books shall be available too. We start this launch with a new book: Let No One Fear Death. You can currently buy a print

copy on here. The e-book should be available in less than a week. Wholesale orders will be available soon. For now, Orthodox Ethos will offer you the publisher's note of the book, written by Fr. Peter Heers expressing the honor we feel at Uncut Mountain Press for publishing this book.


One of the roles of an Orthodox Christian publisher is to provide a platform to faithful and enlightened members of the Church to communicate to their fellows the hope that is within them (1 Peter 3:5). The urgency to meet this need was intensified by the sudden en masse, indiscriminate appropriation and promotion of a message of fear, the fear of death, during the recent “pandemic” of 2020-2022. This state of things thus further amplified the call to fulfill our role, and do our duty to the faithful.

It is, then, an honor and a privilege for Uncut Mountain Press to be the publisher of this aptly-titled volume of essays, Let No One Fear Death, by which the authors aim to encourage and equip their brethren with a right understanding of fear and to what it must be directed — and not directed. The importance of properly discerning matters here cannot be overstated. Missing the mark in this case is no simple error; rather it indicates that one is generally disoriented and eternity is not the aim.

May all the pious readers of these essays gain much strength from on high to enjoy the “fountain of life” which is the fear of the Lord and to thus “depart from the snares of death” (Proverbs 14:27), attaining that “perfect love” which “casteth out fear” (1 John 4:18), that they may chant with the angels, “O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him” (Psalms 34:9)!

Archpriest Peter Heers May 14, 2022 Feast of Saint Therapon of Cyprus

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